Monday 1 February 2010

First skills audit for the G321 Foundation Production"

Primarily the original brief was ‘The Meeting’ this involved filming a short film using the technical codes, camera, editing, sound and Mise-en-scene. Our initial ideas blast we were able to choose a topic that we all had shared interest in, a ‘gangster’ theme also orientated with a ‘Mafia’ circulating the idea of crime, violence and authority figures. After depicting our theme we were able to start written production; by deciding on allocated roles within the group through observation and discussion. Shortly after deciding on our theme we conducted a storyboard which was part of our written production from this we could visualise what the final product would be like. I chose sound and editing as I felt I could improve on editing as the best way would be to improve on my weaknesses. We then did a written analysis of all aspects including a SWOT analysis where we considered weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats of internal and external factors. Having knowledge on the technical codes from previous experiences in Media Studies as a group we felt confident in proceeding in the task. We all had allocated roles and as we had previously worked as a group together we were able to generalise the equality and knew each other strengths and weaknesses. By examining this we were able to carefully do risk assessment because we had a clear idea of what factors could influence the filming.

Through research we could study the use of camera angles (180 degree rule) and editing (continuity) and we carefully analysed other clips of films that used this technique. We got a generalised idea of what we wanted it to be like; therefore we were able to depict how we wanted the short film to be like. Working together and sharing ideas we could get through the paper production swiftly and start filming by sticking to our provision dates therefore using good time management and meeting set deadlines.

We then produced a draft script in dual column format; we then set a provision date for filming which was Thursday 28th at 4.30-5.30 decided to do it in the evening due to the room being high in demand and everyone in the group and the actors having lessons throughout the day. We used a room in the college in Chesil Block; C032 which is photography we purposely chose this room due to the equipment being readily available (for example; lights, black back drop, and the room being reasonably sized)

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