Thursday 22 April 2010

Any use of music in this film complies with 'Fair Dealing' under the 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act (UK), Sections 6(i) and 6(ii);
Fair dealing is a term used to describe some limited activities that are allowed without infringing copyright. Briefly these are as follows:

Section 6

i. Research and private study

Copying parts of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or of a typographical arrangement of a published edition for the purpose of research or private study is allowed under the following conditions:

· The copy is made for the purposes of research or private study.
· The copy is made for non-commercial purposes.
· The source of the material is acknowledged.
· The person making the copy does not make copies of the material available for a number of people.

ii Instruction or examination

Copying parts of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or a sound recording, film or broadcast for the purpose of instruction or examination is allowed under the following conditions:

· The copying is done by the student or the person giving instruction.
· The copying is not done via a reprographic process.
· The source of the material is acknowledged.
· The instruction is for a non-commercial purpose

Monday 19 April 2010

The Final Evaluation

We used Blogger and Google Docs; this helped us maintain and distribute our work online. At first it was hard to understand however the more I used it I became more familiar with it.

These are the still images of the filming taking place, as you can see the conditions are overcast and public being around made it difficult as we had to wait for them to pass so they were not in the camera frame.

Through completing the task at hand, I have developed a range of skills. Primarily through a increase of knowledge on using the internet, although I have always been reasonably knowledgeable on using computers and internet, the exercise increased how assertive I was in using blog entries, hyperlinks, and Google docs. Although I am familiar with blog entries through using social networking sites such as Facebook, Bebo and Myspace it developed my knowledge further. I also found myself using YouTube for a great use of sources for research purposes, in our written production paperwork. My written skills have improved through organisation, and planning. Our logbook which was essential within the context of the task helped us as a group work through the paperwork, through doing things such as risk assessments, storyboards and scripting. We closely kept to our storyboard and script, although we had to adjust a few shots due to the shots not meeting our strict time deadline, and the continuity not correlating. Re-arranging these was frustrating, and having to adjust our provisional dates to work with the weather played a significant role in trying to film, however because we did work well as a group and had organised paperwork this was an advantage to us.

Charlie was allocated as the camerawomen, and our first filming the shots were uneven, and the camera was unsteady, however I feel that as the director it was not my place to ensure that the camera frames were correct but to ensure that what was happening behind and in front of the camera was. As a group we all did wrong as we did not have correct equipment and also I did’t make use of time management, and shot compositions. The post production skills have proven difficult as the shots were recorded long enough but not perfectly suitable to edit correctly. Directing the actors and the Charlie were hard, as I had the position the characters then check the frame of the shot, and external factors like weather, and noise made it hard to communicate to everyone sufficiently. And both Charlie and I having lack of knowledge as we have both allocated roles where we had minimum experience made it harder, but now my weakness has become a strength.

Our media product we did not focus on any stereotypes, in our research we looked at Notebook and that represented social class through costumes, and how the actors were perceived, however we decided that the only representation of a social group would just be a socially accepted dressed girl and boy. Having them dressed casually would not put the focus not on the costume but the context of the filming. The representation of the girl is a being weak, and a having a lack of independence. The man being dominant and alpha-male as we have shots of her being upset and confused when the man is not there, this can be generalised that the girls lean on men for strength. The clip is a diegsis bout love and lust, and the audience can highly relate to it through it creating a physical and emotional world within the text making it relatable and relevant. We used intertextuality vaguely and our three research clips, Notebook, Grease, and My Sister’s Keeper all closely correlate with our clip. Although audiences would not think that there is a direct or deliberate link to any other film, as we have still maintained originality. The audience would be to a niche audience, of people with a strong interest in romance films, and novels.

We concentrated significantly on the Technical Codes; Camera, Sound, Editing and Mise-en-Scene maintaining a high professional standard, certain aspects influenced this, pathetic fallacy; outside weather conditions. And the levelness of shots as the beaches profile is a slope however we managed to find away around it by using the tripod effectively.

I feel that if we had enough time to change our idea, I think that our original idea would have been more suitable. This would give us more of a complex storyboard and script, this could of challenged us more. Although our clip we have now was challenging it was not challenging not for the right reasons. It was external factors like weather conditions, distances from college and the beach, and the fact that we could not have all members on the beach as Nina was unable access the beach itself, although she remained present everytime we filmed. I feel if we had her opinion our final product could of potientially been improved as she filmed the Preliminary Exercise and with her experience she could of helped. Although this is not her fault, it was our choice of location.

Optimum Releasing would most likely be my choice to be the right media institution to work with. We studied this company previously, it’s a distribution company working closely and dominantly with British Films, especially with low budget and gets funding from other companies. We studied a film called Donkey Punch (2008) directed by Oliver Blackburn and written by David Bloom and Optimum Releasing distributed this film. Various production companies helped such as Film4 with funding. The budget was $3,000,000 therefore this film meets the needs and correlates with what films Optimum Releasing distributes. Although it can be said that a lot of films that Optimum Releasing have distributed have been of horror however that cannot be quoted. Therefore I think they would be suitable for our clip.

Both pieces of coursework I have developed a range of skills. The group dynamic has always maintained high as we all had a high standard of what we wanted our clip to be like. The only problems that arose was absences, and arrangements as we all lived far away from each other. I feel that in the Preliminary Task it was a lot easier as it required less scripting as it was shorter, and with filming it inside there was no rearrangements necessary. Luckily I managed to organise actors for it and had a replacement if Jack could not turn up. Having the equipment was difficult as we all use public transport and doing the filming in our own time (out of college hours) we needed to book the equipment and take it home to then return it back to college, and having the camera, tripod, scripts and tapes were hard to carry everywhere. On our preliminarily exercise we meet the deadlines, however we were pushing on time with our second as so many external factors were inherent.

Editing was Nina allocated role and we only really observed what she was doing, the main problem that arose was the aspect of rule of thirds, and continuity, this was the program that she used.

USE AMBIENT SOUND: background noise
Health and Safety did not play a major part, although in our risk assessment the were a lot of influencing factors, through care and consideration all equipment and actors remained safe! The main aspect was having to keep setting provisional dates, and cancelling them due to actors not being able to come or due to weather. And if we did set up to film and the context not being up to how we wanted it. I penalise myself for not taking full control and being more demanding where the characters stood, and being more precise however I feel when we filmed it the second time I took authority and was more strict on how the clip should be. I have learnt and mastered many skills from the two tasks set, and I have enjoyed working with my group as we have all used our own initiative to conduct our final product.